Weekend Links

Berry picking led to some excitement this past week.
In which I share my favorite posts from this blog's Facebook page.

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"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

Psalm 139:13-14


* Friends, I have sad news. For a while now, I've been vomiting "randomly" and having nausea. I finally learned why. I. Am. Egg. Intolerant. How completely sad is that??? I've been eating eggs all my life, but I admit I sometimes felt just a wee bit icky afterward. But when I started the keto lifestyle to reverse my diabetes, I began eating more eggs per week, and...well, my body rebelled. Incredibly, I also learned eggs were raising my blood sugar! They were consequently preventing me from losing more weight. Now that I eat no eggs (except in baked things) I feel SO much more energetic, all the tummy troubles are gone, and I'm losing weight again. So while I'm glad I figured out my problem, I'm sad to say bye-bye to eggs. Maybe one of these days, when I'm willing to risk feeling sick all day, I'll try just the yolks (statistically, you're far more likely to be allergic to the whites) or maybe even duck eggs. Who knows? We might add ducks to the homestead!

Took the kids wild berry picking this afternoon, when suddenly the dog started growling and barking, then began pulling me firmly the opposite direction (I was holding his leash). Yep, that's why we got ourselves a guardian dog! I'm sure he kept us from bumping into something we wouldn't have wanted to bump into. My first thought was a bear bed - but he's passed by fresh bear beds before without freaking out. Then I thought a bear itself - but it should have been sent crashing through the woods by the dog's barking, and we didn't hear that. Hubby thinks it was a cougar...which gives me the shivers. Whatever it was, the dog didn't like it. He spent the rest of the day very jumpy, and he kept staring in the direction of whatever it was, growling very low. I've never seen him like that before.
I'm thrilled to have my first-ever homegrown artichoke!

* Have you ever heard of tick paralysis? Sometimes when ticks latch on to children (and Learn more from the CDC.
occasionally adults) they can literally cause the child to lose the use of her limbs!

* A few simple ideas to help prevent ticks in your yard.

* How to dehydrate celery AND how to make celery salt, on my YouTube channel.

* How to grow great sunflowers - and some great ideas on what to do with all parts of the plant.

* Cauliflower can be expensive to purchase. Why not try growing it? You can even grow cauliflower in a pot!

* Copycat recipe for Claussen Kosher Dill Pickles.

* Making canned rhubarb butter. 

* How to make freezer jam without a recipe - also from my YouTube channel.

* Cute crafts for kids to make with toilet paper tubes.

Oldies But Goodies:

* If you're not use Fels-Naptha for laundry stain removal, you need to go grab yourself some now!
* The truth about salt.
* Banana Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe
* Harvesting and Making Your Own Chamomile Tea 
* Now is the PERFECT time to make use of the dandelions growing in your yard! Every part of the dandelion is edible. Learn how to use this common plant to make super food! Check out my book The Ultimate Dandelion Cookbook! 

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